Thursday, September 8, 2011

Top three myths about the "feasibility study" for Rock Creek Hills Park: Myth #3 - "Smaller".

Presenting a special back-to-school feature: The top three myths about the "feasibility study" for Rock Creek Hills Park! Today, myth number 3: "Smaller."

MYTH: The "feasibility study" for Rock Creek Hills Park resulted in a smaller school, that will allow for preservation of more green space.

IN FACT: The "core capacity" of the school is unchanged, at 1200 students.

PROOF: Numerous official Montgomery County Public Schools documents state clearly that the core capacity of the proposed school is 1200 students. While the proposed initial construction would provide classroom space for fewer students, the plans already include a building addition to bring the school to its final capacity of 1200 students. Of course, the site of the small park is inadequate for a 1200-student school. And, if anyone tells you that a "smaller school" will leave more trees, just ask them to watch this half-minute video:

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