Thursday, July 28, 2011

"This is not a formal committee. ... we really can't vote on anything."

Everyone makes mistakes. But not everyone responds well to requests that mistakes be corrected.

The first meeting of the B-CC middle school #2 "feasibility study" took place on June 8th. When the draft minutes of that meeting were posted, we noticed four errors and omissions that we thought were important and worthy of correction. We wrote at 1:50 PM on Tuesday, July 12th, to MCPS's Mr. Dennis Cross, requesting corrections. At today's "feasibility study" meeting, in response to our email request for corrections, we were told by Mr. Cross that none of our requests would be addressed. And we were told this:

"This is not a formal committee. We call it a committee but it's really nothing more than a work session. ... So we really can't vote on anything. We can't even vote on the minutes, to approve them, because we don't know whether we have a quorum or not, because we don't have a committee."
Got that? A committee (that has voted at prior meetings) has suddenly become a non-committee that cannot vote. So, we ask: Are they just making this stuff up as they go along?

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I am honestly disgusted at this as part of the "official" process for engaging the community.
Cathy Fink