Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Top three myths about the "feasibility study" for Rock Creek Hills Park: Myth #2 - "Integrity".

Presenting a special back-to-school feature: The top three myths about the "feasibility study" for Rock Creek Hills Park! Today, myth number 2: "Integrity."

MYTH: The "feasibility study" for Rock Creek Hills Park was professionally conducted, with consistency and integrity.

IN FACT: As reported by Sarah Gantz in the Gazette newspaper, the "feasibility study" for Rock Creek Hills Park was run by Montgomery County Public Schools using rules that changed midway through. MCPS showed a lack of good faith in addressing neighborhood concerns.

• If anyone tells you that the "feasibility study" was conducted with consistency and integrity, just ask them to watch this one-minute video:
• If anyone tells you that community concerns were addressed in good faith during the "feasibility study", just ask them to watch this minute-and-a-half video:

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